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15/08/2022 02:59
15/08/2022 02:59
The Ahmedabad Hospitals & Nursing Homes Association has been established with a view to promote solidarity and brotherhood among all the member hospitals and nursing homes of Ahmedabad and surrounding areas within a radius of fifty kilometers.
To promote social, cultural & cooperative activities
To establish contact with similar associations and share common goals
To print, publish periodicals mainly for the purpose of discussing the questions affecting the hospitals & nursing homes
To arrange and hold conferences, demonstrations, debates, excursions, cultural functions, seminars, symposia, demonstrations, meetings, lectures, discussions, competitions etc
To uphold honor, dignity and legitimate rights of the doctors practicing at the member hospitals & nursing homes.
To secure proper and better conditions of service and status, emoluments, and all other legitimate rights and privileges of the Members.
To establish & conduct a reference library.
To promote efficiency of the healthcare providers in the interest of public at large.
To promote research and advancement of the medical and allied sciences in all the different branches of medicine.
To do all such things as are incidental and necessary for the healthcare providers, a proper place in the new social order and in general to increase the usefulness and advance in standards, ideals and welfare of the healthcare profession.
To project views of members with regard to various health and education policies of the government or any other authorities and to try to get those views accepted for incorporating in the said policies, keeping in mind health care delivery system.
To promote public health and medical education in India.
To try to redress grievances and to secure justice for the members whenever and wherever such grievances and or / injustices persist in spite of ordinary attempts at negotiations and persuasions; these methods may include submission of suitable memoranda to the concerned authorities / organizations of effective mass protest, or demonstrations or obtaining legal opinions or instituting legal actions or any other suitable line of action as per the needs of such situation.
To publish periodicals, mainly for the purpose of discussing the issues affecting the welfare of the members, and also for the purpose of projecting views of the Members on various subjects or policies; and also, to publish articles increasing the information, efficiency and general knowledge of the Members
Organizing periodical meetings & conferences with members of the association & also with members of other medical associations.
Arranging time to time conferences, meetings, panel discussion etc. in order to keep the members well informed about new equipments, recent advances & latest trends in field of healthcare
Encouraging research & statistical evaluation of various medical problems & promoting study of the socioeconomic hazards faced by the healthcare providers, through scholarships, prizes, rewards or any other suitable sort of encouragements.
Conducting education and health campaigns for general public in matters of health and hygiene.
Organizing medical relief during epidemics and in times of emergencies.
Organizing various diagnostic, educative and curative camps for tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, family planning, vaccination drives etc.
Considering & expressing views on laws of the country & proposed legislation or ordinance related to public health, medical education & profession at large.
Encouraging formations of association of hospitals & nursing homes throughout the Country and to invite all other hospitals, specialist's organizations, post graduate doctors etc from all the branches of the modern medical science, to join together in the form of an All India Federation of Associations of Hospitals & Nursing Homes., for attainment of various above mentioned aims and objects of common interest and welfare.
In a vibrant democracy like India, changes can happen only through collective actions. Doctors & Hospitals have remained away from their collective actions. To bring a change in the healthcare scenario in India, it is time that we become united and fight battles together.